To meet the growing demand for its specialist EDM manufacturing services from its aerospace (aero-engine), satellite, oil and gas, motorsport and power generation customers, Electro-Discharge strengthened its machining capacity and capabilities, by investing in two new, advanced wire EDM machines from GF AgieCharmilles.
The first of these, a new CUT 300 equipped with its fast and responsive digital (CleanCut) generator, reliable AWT (Automatic Wire Thread/Re-thread) capability, and powerful and sophisticated Millennium control.
This was followed up, with the acquisition of a new (larger) and flexible CUT 400 28P wire machine equipped with a ‘quick-change’ adjustable head (which extends the machine’s Z-axis capabilities from 510mm to 710mm), enabling the company to machine taller work-pieces.
(GF AgieCharmilles’ CUT 400 28P is a non-standard wire EDM machine and the one installed at Electro-Discharge’s facility was one of the first of its kind to be installed anywhere in the UK).